KW16 Flex MOD

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Moderator: Guido Körber

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KW16 Flex MOD

Post by mhserrano »

Hello Guido,

Hope everything ok with you and family!

I have acquired recently the legacy KW16 FLex MOD to drive a 8X8 switch matrix.

I have installed it on a dedicated circuit board and plugged to USB and everything seems OK.

However when I open the KeyWarrior Table program and correspondent new file, it does not recognize any switch on the matrix.

When I try to download an empty file it opens a window that says DOWNLOAD FAILED!.

I am working with Windows 7.

Any ideas on how to help on this would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Marco Serrano
Guido Körber
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Re: KW16 Flex MOD

Post by Guido Körber »

Does the KeyWarrior show up as a device?
Do the lock LEDs react to caps/num/scroll-lock?
Is the 24C02 connected and the write protect disabled?
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