JoyWarrior56FR1 spam kernel logs with "event field not found"

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JoyWarrior56FR1 spam kernel logs with "event field not found"

Post by guillaume.b-d »

Hi everyone !

I am using a JoyWarrior56FR1 on a Raspberry Pi 3 under Ubuntu 18.04. I wrote an Udev rule to recognize the device in my program (written in c++) and I use it with the high-speed mode enabled.

The problem is that the logs are spammed at high frequency by a kernel warning : "input inputX: event field not found".
I have been looking for a solution for a long time without success. An alternative would be to disable kernel logs but I would prefer to find a clean solution.

Did someone hear about a similar problem before and/or do you have an idea how we could try to fix this problem ?

Let me know if you need more information.

Thank you in advance for your help !

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Christoph Jung
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Re: JoyWarrior56FR1 spam kernel logs with "event field not found"

Post by Christoph Jung »

We have no clean solution for this issue. And we have no idea where it comes from.
The only way at the moment is to disable the loggin for this kind of messages.
Software developer
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