Joywarrior 56FR1-WP mapping response

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Joywarrior 56FR1-WP mapping response

Post by visitron »

Dear Code Mercenaries,

Currently i am building an input controller to control an animatronic figure.
The controller consist of a joystick part , a Joywarrior JW24A10-L interface cable with a Apem 3000 Hall sensor joystick.
To give more control options , the idea was to have a motion sensor mounted on a gimbal.
On this gimbal a armrest-plate with the joystick is mounted.

The head of the animatronic figure will be operated by the joystick, and gentle body movement by lower arms of the puppeteer resting on the gimbal armrest-plate.

The software am i using is Weigl Showforge, this software is able to recognize a variety of input controllers such as USB , MIDI etc.
After the controller is recognized by the program , in this case as "joystick" , one can assign an axis to a movement.

Right now the program is working flawless with the JW24A10-L.
Now when I plug in the 56FR1-WP , the program recognizes it as a joystick, one can assign axis to movement.

However the translation of the movement is very jittery, or not al all translated. ( The translation of the movements is indicated in the program by a dial for each assigned (mapped) axis.)
The JW24A10-L gives smooth translation of the movement, the dials in the program move smoothly according to the input movement.
With the 56FR1-WP in resting position , the dial needle is moving nervously around zero.
Moving the sensor , the dials for each axis are either not responding or behaving erratic.

My questions are :
- Do I have the right sensor for what i want ?
- And if so, is the solution be found by different settings of the sensor ?
- And if so , how to access and change the sensor settings in Mac OS 10.15.1

Thank you very much in advance.

Guido Körber
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Re: Joywarrior 56FR1-WP mapping response

Post by Guido Körber »

As we are not familiar with the software you are using it is not that easy to find out what the problem is.

If there is a lot of noise in neutral position then this points to a problem with the sensitivity. JW56FR1 delivers data in a 16 bit format, if the program does not scale this data in relation to the range, then this would explain the behaviour.

The sensor measures acceleration and angular speed. The sensor results for movement may not be what you are expecting. If you move the sensor horizontally then you will have acceleration at the beginning and the end of the movement. Tilting the sensor does generate a steady acceleration signal due to gravity.
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Re: Joywarrior 56FR1-WP mapping response

Post by visitron »

Dear Mr. Körber,

First i would to thank you for your answer and I would like to apologize for my late reply.
The JW56FR1 is kind of what i am looking for, although it is a bit too sensitive.

In the top picture is a joystick which consists of the JW24A10-L in combination with the JW56FR1.

The other picture shows the result of the movement registration by the program i am using.
As you can see in the Channel Group 2, the JW24 gives a more fluid graph which is more suitable to be translated to servo movement by the program.

I know from the datasheet that I should change the parameters, but how to do this in OSX ?
Do I need a third program like USBLIB ?

Thanks in advance.
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Schermafbeelding 2020-01-13 om 16.05.09.png (31.98 KiB) Viewed 19491 times
Guido Körber
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Re: Joywarrior 56FR1-WP mapping response

Post by Guido Körber »

At the moment we do only have configuration software for Windows. So the simplest option would be to change the values on a Windows machine.

Writing the necessary software is possible, but quite a bit of effort.
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Re: Joywarrior 56FR1-WP mapping response

Post by visitron »

Dear Guido,

I was looking for a confirmation in Showdata that after changing settings , they are stored in the device after disconnecting the device.

However , when I close Showdata and disconnect the device from the USB, after restarting Showdata and search for the device, the standard settings
are shown.

Am I missing something ?

I would like to store the settings in Windows, as you mentioned before, and then use the device in OSX.

Guido Körber
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Re: Joywarrior 56FR1-WP mapping response

Post by Guido Körber »

JW56FR1 does not allow to read back the settings. This is why you always see the default values after connecting.
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Re: Joywarrior 56FR1-WP mapping response

Post by visitron »

Thanks for your answer, i will look if I can use the information provided in the topic of user "dummzeuch" - "Joywarrior JW56FR1 konfigurieren".
I'''' guess i have to find someone who is able to program a "showdata" variant in Xcode for macOS enviroment.
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Re: Joywarrior 56FR1-WP mapping response

Post by visitron »

Dear Guido,

I am still searching for a solution to acces the Joywarrior settings in Mac OS.
I have found this useful information on the website of Ontrak , a Canadian firm.
They are also a manufacturer of USB I/O devices.

My questions is , can i apply this workflow to your sensor or is it a totally different approach ?

Ihnen im Voraus dankend.
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