LW-13 configuration

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LW-13 configuration

Post by LicControl »

I can not configure via i2c LW-13 so that the light turns on/off smoothly (single switch). The lamp driver is configured correctly, when commanded by other DALI switches, it turns on/off smoothly.
The manual states that "Though if bit 0 of the address byte is 0 the switch sends an acr power command. In this case address and mode bytes are transmitted as the arc power command when the switch is closed". But I cannot understand what is meant.
What should be the configuration command for fade on/fade off?
And, please explain how to use the LED-Warrior13 configuraror (lw13 config.exe) program.
Thank you.
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Christoph Jung
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Re: LW-13 configuration

Post by Christoph Jung »

DALI has two differen command sets for the adresse byte and this will shown by set one bit "S"
The address pattern is: YAAA AAAS
Y: group bit (0: short address or 1: group address)
AAA AAA: DALI address (0..63)
S: command mode or DACP (dacp: 0 or command: 1)

YAAA AAA0 (DACP) -> The follofing command will be a direct output from 0...254 (0..100%) immediately.
YAAA AAA1 (Command) -> The following command will be a "real" command (MAX, MIN, STEP UP, etc).

Are you want to fade with a single button press or hold your switch for fading?
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Guido Körber
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Re: LW-13 configuration

Post by Guido Körber »

There is no DALI command for smooth fading. This is a parameter that you have to set inside the DALI device.

FadeRate and FadeTime are the values that set the speed at which your lamp transitions from one power setting to another. If I remember it correct FadeTime is the time for transition from one value to the next for the direct arc power control. And FadeRate is the speed at which brightness changes in reaction to DimUp and DimDown commands.
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