PS3 compatibility

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PS3 compatibility

Post by DeeMoNay »

I know you're wondering how one man can ask so many questions :)

Do the Joy Warriors work with the PS3? If not, do any of your devices offer PS3 compatibility? If not, are there plans?


PS - my circuit board for the JoyWarrior24A10L tests clean and gives no variations in the three 10 bit connections. I think I am going to need to order a bunch of those and the 32's (enough to get possibly into the level of having my name put on them)
Guido Körber
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Re: PS3 compatibility

Post by Guido Körber »

We did never test for PS3 compatibility, though AFAIK the USB compatibility of the PS3 has been improved significantly over the PS2. On the PS2 any USB controller was depending on the whim of the game programmer, if they did not include HID class support you were out of luck. On the PS3 there are more system drivers, though I don't know how much depends on the games there.

My experience is that many game developers are very lazy with the support for game controllers. When I did Mac flight controllers many years ago (pre-USB times) we had to educate the simulator programmers about proper controller support and it was quite some work to convince them to add it.
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